Bobbi barber
Bobbi's primary focus is to connect with clients and associates through creative personal written expression. These prayerful outreach cards are to commemorate life moments, acknowledge consolation, to provide encouragement, and building up. These composed forms of communication allow JDLevy and Associates to convey their heartfelt appreciation to each individual they are connected to and united with. Bobbi is currently Interim Worship Leader and head of the Intercession Team at South Campus Zion Baptist Church. She also serves as an Informal Advisor for Whisper Ministries LLC. She has been a Registered Respiratory Therapist since 1990, working in such modalities as: Acute Care, Long Term Care, Home Health, Rehabilitation, and Respiratory Director for a Long Term Care Facility.
Certified in Transformational Prayer Ministry
Associate of Science
Associate of Art
Registered Respiratory Therapy Degree
From Bobbi: She and her husband Chris have recently completed the journey of homeschooling their two daughters. Over the years Bobbi has had the privilege to sing at Women's Conferences, volunteering her musical talents for praise and worship at her church food pantry, and has a passion for prayer and cultivating a deeper love and discernment of God's Word through small and large groups.